Home Health Are You Hurting Your Dogs Feelings And Confidence?

Are You Hurting Your Dogs Feelings And Confidence?


Are You Hurting Your Dogs Feelings And Confidence?

In case you may not have already realized it, your dogs whole life revolves around you. Inconsistent or unwarranted action can harm his self confidence and his emotional wellbeing.

Dogs owners make several mistakes that are easily corrected once you understand how your behavior may be affecting them.

1.Rubbing Their Nose When Poop, Pee or Accidents Happens

Dogs usually know where and when to know where to go when nature calls. Dogs are easy to Potty train. On the occasion when an accident may happen (and they do) it is usually a sign of stress, a physical illness or just having to go.

Yelling at them and especially “rubbing their nose in it” is not the appropriate action to take. Calm correction and assurance is the ticket in these cases.

2. Exercise and Stimulation

Make sure you provide your dog plenty of exercise, playtime, and attention. Make time for your dog. Plants need to be watered or they wither. Time needs to be spent with your dog or the can emotionally with as well. Small playtimes and attention 10-15 minutes are better than no time spent nurturing your dog.

3. Scolding or punishing for fearful behavior

Shy or submissive behavior from your dog is not a situation for punishment or scolding, it is a situation for understanding why that emotion is being displayed and removing your dog from that situation. If your dog is afraid, they may become aggressive or withdrawn. Don’t punish your dog for being afraid, remove him from the situation.


4. Be Consistent

Always be consistent when you are setting expectations with your dog. When he does something that is a no-no train and correct consistently every time. Do not let the behavior go unnoticed one time and then punish the next time. This is confusing for your dog and he does not know what is expected.

5. Isolating Your Dog from His Family (The Pack)

You can do great harm to your dog by separating him from the pack (you and your family). His whole world revolves around his family and separation does not teach better behavior it installs fear and loneliness. The long-term effect of this is making your dog unsociable and unfit to belong anywhere.

Please remember your dog wants to be happy and wants to belong. Correcting bad behavior should be done with consistency, love, and firmness. NEVER with emotion or anger.

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