Home Dogs Thoughts Beer Commercial Ad Stars A ‘Talking Dog’

Beer Commercial Ad Stars A ‘Talking Dog’


Beer Commercial Ad Stars A ‘Talking Dog’ Who In A Twist Explains Why He Gives Beer To His Owner

Super Bowls are not only the one of biggest sporting events, but they are also known for making famous commercial. Companies spend large amounts of money hoping for a hit commercial. So of those commercials are duds, but some of the commercials become timeless classics.

Super Bowl XXXIV was some 20 years ago but featured such a famous and classic commercial. The commercial begins as a normal commercial.

As it continues you believe you watching a man brag about his dog and how he plays, exercises, and gets tired. Dogs and him running together playing together and working up quit a sweat.

Then comes the twist the narrative shows that is the dog, Fred, actually talking about his owner. It was a great twist for the time, you hardly saw any talking animals on TV.

The lead up continues, the close up happen and then Fred delivers the hit line.

“That’s why I give him Budweiser,” Fred, the dog, says. “I wouldn’t give him anything else.”

It’s a classic and hilarious.

For other classic dog videos visit our home page at

Another video you may enjoy is “How To Teach Your Dog To Get You A Beer”:


If you LOVE Talking Dogs you MUST check this out:


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