Home Stories Viscous Dog Chases Off Would Be Burglar

Viscous Dog Chases Off Would Be Burglar


Viscous Dog Chases Off Would Be Burglar

You can see the burglar gleefully coming into the backyard of these homeowners looking for his big score. It was all captured on the home’s surveillance video.

His is casual looking around for the easiest entry point to the house. He quickly goes from peering into each window, to actual entry into the home. This is going to be his day, his big score and profit from his illegal activity. Quickly in and out like a thief in the night, only he’s so good he’s pulling this off in broad daylight!

Towards the end as the burglar actually enters the home, and we can only imagine him thinking “what was that”? Something has been watching me and they are on to me!  Next, you can see him running out faster that he went in. Out of the house, cross the yard, over the fence to Safety! What ever was in that house must be vicious!

Getting out of that yard wasn’t enough, he continued to scale the next fences as well, not only does he want to get out of that yard, but he needs to get out of that neighborhood. If this thing catches me, I’m a goner!

Now there is great anticipation. What kind of creature could cause such fear, such adrenaline to make him run out of there like a bolt of lightning?

Will we get to see this massive protector? At this point I’m assuming it’s a watch dog and I’m guessing a German Shephard, a Pit Bull of possibly a Doberman. The suspense is killing me at this point!

Finally, our hero appears at the end. Proving the age old saying, “It’s not the size of the dog, it’s the size of the fight in the dog”.

Source: Lamarmy/YouTube

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