Home How To Teaching Your New Dog Social Manners

Teaching Your New Dog Social Manners


Teaching Your New Dog Social Manners

Do not Force Affection

Never run up on a Dog in excitement if you do not know that dog well. That may be interpreted as aggressive behavior causing your dog to react negatively. Let your dog approach you as he becomes comfortable in his new surroundings

Once boundaries have been established give you dog plenty of gentle affection. Hugs, using your loving dog voice, gentle pats on the back and top of the head. Try to get your eye level to that of your dog by kneeling or laying on the floor with him

Slowly teach your dog it is OK to be touched in areas that he would typically not want to be touched. This will be critical later, when visits to the veterinarian are required, nails need trimming, or a haircut

Command Words

Teach you dog command words. With our dog he knows not to leave the yard, jump in the car, or go near a stranger until the key phrase “All Done” is verbalized. You can pick any key phrase if it is a command phrase learned and respected by your dog

After good behavior always praise your dog and reward him with a treat

Calm In Public

When you are in public, like when walking your dog, keep a calm demeaner around other people. You can let your dog approach people if the “vibe” is calm and relaxed. If your dog seems nervous or anxious be careful not to force any interaction. Treat your dog and praise him for good behavior

Social Dog

Having you dog socialized basically means having him feel comfortable around people and other dogs. It’s important to never force your dog to do anything. If he does not want to be petted by an aggressive loud child don’t force it. When the setting is calm allow your dog to socialize, but always keep an eye open for aggressive behavior. Tugged in tail, growling, avoidance, trying to get away are all signs your dog does not fell comfortable in the current situation

Leash Manners

Your dog should be trained to be on a leash and have good leash manners. There are other topics on training your dog how to have good leash manners Here is a good article on leash manners: https://dogtime.com/dog-health/general/386-leash-training

Be patient with your dog and remember to give plenty of praise and treats as a reward for good behavior

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