Home Stories Hero Dog Rescues Owner From A Shark In California!

Hero Dog Rescues Owner From A Shark In California!


A 1-year-old pit bull named Darby is one very good boy as he bravely came to the rescue of his owner, who was bitten on the leg by a shark.

“He literally ran up the hill with it and pulled it off my leg,” James White said of his pit bull Darby

The horrifying incident happened when James White, of Rohnert Park, California, was fishing from the shore at Bodega Bay in Sonoma County, NBC Bay Area reported.

White had caught something on his fishing line and was struggling to pull in his catch.

“It was about 10 minutes,” White told NBC Bay Area. “The only way I think I was able to get the line back is because it was swimming towards me.”

Not until the fish was pulled on shore did White realize he had snagged a 6 foot long Shark!!

While trying to remove the hook from the shark’s mouth, but it quickly sank it’s teeth into his ankle.

Within seconds, White told NBC Bay Area “There was blood everywhere.”

“The first bite punctured an artery,”  “The pressure was intense.”

White began yelling for help.

That’s when is dog Darby, who was in the car, went into action.

Somehow the dog opened the car door and ran down the embankment to his owner. He first attempted to get the shark off of White by biting into the shark’s gills. However, that didn’t work as it caused the animal to sink its teeth deeper into White’s ankle.

Acting fast, Darby attempted then changed his approach and grabbed the shark by the tail.

White then tossed the shark by into the water.

From White “He’s been a part of the family from day one. Just now a little more. If it wasn’t for him I would have been a lot worse,”.

Some people found the story hard to believe.

“The first time I told somebody this, they were like, ‘You’re out of your mind, there’s no way that happened,’”.

“Then I showed him the pictures and I’m like, ‘No, it absolutely happened,’” White added of his brutal scars.

Video Credit: NBCbayarea.com

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