Home Health Dog Thinking

Dog Thinking


Dog and human logic are similar in many ways but also different in many ways. Often the things dogs do seem backwards to the way we think. Sometimes, we need to think like a Dog to understand our best friend. And even then, we are still sometimes perplexed on why dogs do the things they do.

Here are some strange and sometimes hilarious examples of Dog logic.

Dogs tend to bark, and bark allot. From strangers that may be passing by to the mailman. Does this mean that Dogs hate everyone they do not know? That is how we would think about this aggressive behavior. Dogs barking is because they are territorial, and any uninvited guest is a potential threat. They will repeat this process as they are protecting the pack from a potential invasion. They are just doing their job.

Sniffing is a Dogs window to the world. Vital and critical information for a Dog comes via their nose. If humans walked around sniffing each other that would be totally inappropriate, however for a Dog is it akin to saying “hello”, “how are you?” and shaking hands. So, do not be alarmed when a friend stops by and your Dog goes straight for their crotch for a good sniff. Hello.

Why do Dogs lick your face? It is another form of social greeting, and it is a submissive, friendly gesture. As far as other body parts such as hands, feet, arms, the stronger the smell the stronger the need to lick. Licking for a Dog is totally normal, you should however have a line when it comes to letting your Dog lick you.

Dogs typically bury just about anything the deem as “theirs”. It can be in a freshly dug backyard hole, under the couch, under the bed, or under a stack of pillows. It is like their garage, or storage place. Consider it their place for keeping their assets in a safe place for later retrieval. This is totally normal Dog behavior.

1. Alarm Clock
2. Bed Warmer
3. House Security System
4. Best Friend for Life
5. Doorbell
6. Family
7. Cuddle Buddy
8. Love
9. Happiness
10. Loyalty Guaranteed

These are just some of the behavioral habits of Dogs we will be sharing on this Blog. We love Dogs. We love Dogs pure and simple Logic. Stay tuned for more!!

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