Home Stories Dog Runs Into Burning House To Save His Cat Buddy

Dog Runs Into Burning House To Save His Cat Buddy



Dog Runs Into Burning House To Save His Cat Buddy

When a fire broke out at a nearby factory the sky was filled with thick dark smoke for miles. The explosion that started the fire was felt over 3 miles away.

Nearby neighborhoods and residents had to evacuate. People frantically grabbed what they could, personal momentums, pictures, and precious items that cannot be replaced. One owner stood outside of his burning house unable to go into the inferno to save his pets a dog and a kitten that had joined the family not long ago.

Watching helplessly, he stood in front of his burning house hoping to see any sign of his pets. Suddenly, he glimpsed a shadow emerging from the house. To his amazement not only did he see his dog emerging from the house, but in his mouth was his limp kitten!

The dog and kitten had become best of friends and they were constantly spending time with each other playing, napping, or investigating.

Since the kitten was very young, he couldn’t make it out of the house on his own. Fortunately, his older dog brother was not about to allow his best friend to perish in the fire.

This dog is a true hero.

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