Home Dogs Thoughts Can Dogs Detect Diseases?

Can Dogs Detect Diseases?


Can Dogs Detect Diseases?

Canines have an extraordinary sense of smell. Many scientists believe that sense of smell can predict illnesses. Below are some diseases that suggest that animal’s sense of smell is an early detection meter for these diseases.


There is some evidence that a dog can detect Malaria by sniffing the socks of someone that has it. Researchers are doing trials with a Labrador retriever that may be detecting Malaria in children even if they are sowing no symptoms.

Breast cancer

Currently dogs are being tested to detect breast cancer by the smell of a person’s breath. If these tests prove to be conclusive early detection will be available and much safer for people over 50 years of age.

Prostate cancer

There was a test done in Germany in 2015. Two German Shepherds were trained to detect prostate cancer in the urine sample of men. In 90% of the cases the dogs were correct in determining prostate cancer.

Parkinson’s disease

Test are being run at Manchester University in training dog’s after a dog detected a change in his owner’s “smell” six years before an actual diagnosis.


Dogs have already with accuracy been able to detect high blood sugar levels. Dog’s smell can detect by the smell of the human’s breath and their sweat if they have an abnormally high sugar level.


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