Home Health Are Some Human Foods Bad For Dogs?

Are Some Human Foods Bad For Dogs?


Are Some Human Foods Bad For Dogs?

We always consider our dogs part of the family, but when it comes to eating should we treat them the same? The answer is no. There are some foods we should not shared with our canine family member. Knowing what not to feed them is easy to learn. Below is a list of some of the foods research has shown should not be shared with your dog.

So just What human foods are bad for dogs?


Us human beings certainly love our chocolate; however, you should never feed it to your Dog. It can cause digestive distress, diarrhea, and vomiting. Some chocolates (Darker chocolates) even have a higher percentage of a chemical called theobromine which is very toxic to dogs and can even result in death.

Eggs and Raw Meat

The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) as well as the CDC (U.S. Centers for disease Control and Prevention) strongly recommends feeding your dog raw meat or raw eggs.


This is usually something your dog will not want to eat. In any event eating onions can cause your dog digestive irritation.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts can cause weakness, vomiting and hyperthermia in dogs.



Many foods now contain a sweetener called Xylitol. It is a sugar substitute found in sugar free recipes and food. In dogs it causes liver failure and should never be given to your dog.

Are there other human foods that are bad for dogs?

Mentioned above are a few of the foods you should avoid feeding your dog. If you are unsure about a specific food check with your veterinarian. If you believe your dog has eaten a harmful food you should contact your veterinarian immediately and have his number is an easy to access location.

It is always recommended to feed your dog, approved Dog treats as opposed to human table scraps.

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